What is an Arise Intervention?

Recognized by industry leaders as the original Invitational Intervention protocol, A Relational Intervention Sequence for Engagement (the ARISE® Intervention) is an Evidence-Based, Best-Practice method of Intervention that harnesses the power of the family to achieve its mission for individual and family long-term recovery through Family Motivation to Change.

Judith Landau and co-developers implemented the ‘power of family’ in this strong intervention model known as the Arise Intervention Method addressing drug and alcohol abuse, addiction, and mental health issues.

The Intervention Network As An Addicted Individual Enters Treatment | AIS

Participating in a Formal ARISE Intervention

The ARISE Intervention invites addicted individuals to join the process right from the beginning with no surprises, no secrets, no coercion, and absolute respect and love.A support system is mobilized to form a committed Intervention Network to motivate the addicted individual into treatment.

The Three Levels of an ARISE Intervention

An ARISE Intervention has three levels that cease at the first level that works:

Level 1 “The First Call”

The First Call starts when a Concerned Other calls a Certified ARISE Interventionist for a free phone consultation, and is coached to mobilize the support network to motivate your loved one to
attend the ARISE First Meeting of the Intervention Network. 56% of addicted individuals enter treatment at Level 1.

Level 2 “Strength in Numbers”

Strength in Numbers begins if the addicted individual has not accepted help in Level 1. The Intervention Network acts as a Family Board of Directors; no one deals one-on-one with the addicted individual. By the end of two to five Intervention Network meetings, 80% of addicted individuals have entered treatment.

Level 3 “The Formal ARISE Intervention”

The Formal ARISE Intervention is held if treatment acceptance has not occurred during Level 2. This level is rarely needed but almost invariably results in treatment entry because the troubled individual is well prepared for this outcome. At this meeting serious consequences are put in place if the addicted individual fails to accept help. By this point, 83% of addicted individuals have said yes to help.

Treatment Completion And Continuing Care Started For All Intervention Network Members | AIS

Continuing Care – Treatment and the Recovery Process

The ARISE Continuing Care supports your Loved One through ARISE Treatment and into Recovery.
It begins when the addicted individual enters treatment, and lasts for a minimum of 6 months. The goals are individual and family healing and recovery. 

It continues until both individual and family are Living in Recovery and family healing. This includes ensuring that work, life style, social circle, family relationships and personal decisions made for personal growth in Phase B are happening for the individual and family.

Who developed the ARISE Model of Intervention?

ARISE was developed by James Garrett, C.S.W., C.A.S.A.C., Judith Landau, M.B., Ch.B, D.P.M, Robert Shea, M.S., C.A.C., M. Duncan Stanton, Ph.D, Gloria Baciewicz, M.D., David Brinkman-Sull, Ph.D.

Recognized as an international pioneer in the fields of intervention, addiction treatment, trauma and family therapy, co-developer Dr. Judith Landau draws upon 30+ years of research and experience aimed at facilitating long-term healing for individuals and their families.

Author: Dr. Jerry Law, D.Min., MDAAC, BRI-II, CIP