Whether you’re looking for someone to help your loved one get sober, need assistance finding the right treatment program or simply would like to have a partner to come alongside you through your own recovery, I hope I can help. 

When I graduated from Hanover College with a bachelor’s degree in psychology, I

didn’t initially go into the mental health field. Instead, I entered the executive recruiting world and was successful doing that for many years–until I wasn’t. 

In 2011, my recovery journey began. It started with getting help, then turned into

volunteering at the very place where I received treatment, to becoming a board member and eventually an employee where I oversaw a sober living home with 60 residents. 

As I worked through my career in mental health and addiction treatment I saw the same patterns–loved ones uncertain about how to address the person struggling, families overwhelmed with the task of finding the right treatment and then the really difficult task for everyone—understanding how to operate once out of the safety of a treatment facility. That’s when I decided it was time to do more. JA Recovery was the answer to this problem. I knew I could be a trusted guide and

turn my life’s mission of helping others in recovery into my career. Today I am a Certified Intervention Specialist (CIP) through the Pennsylvania Certification Board as well as a Certified Addiction Peer Recovery Coach (CAPRC I) through ICAADA. I’m constantly learning and currently working towards more certifications. I like to tell my clients that I’m just a normal guy. I’m married, have two children and two dogs. I love spending time with them and being present in their lives. As a hobby, my favorite thing in the world is fly fishing. My second favorite thing is spending time at my family’s lake cottage in Southern Indiana. One day I hope to turn my passion for fishing into a therapeutic offering. Without my own recovery, none of this would be possible. This life works for me, and my greatest hope is to help my clients create long-lasting recovery…well beyond the time we spend together.

Intervention Trainings

CanAm Interventions training, Certified Intervention Professional

(CIP), Certified Addiction Peer Recovery Coach I (CAPRC I)

Intervention Style

Invitational, Surprise

Types of Interventions

AUD, SUD, and Behavioral Health Interventions